Source: Albun familiar- Photomontage pixiz
Good morning to all the readers of golos.io. My name is José Luis, I'm from Corrientes-Argentina, my mother tongue is Spanish, I'm 50 years old, my grandfather is two beautiful little niggers, Ciro and Abigail. Ciro is a year old and Abigail three, two beautiful children, very good and calm despite their age. Ciro lives in the house of her maternal grandparents, Abigail lives in our house with her mother.

Ciro is the son of Ivan, my eldest son, currently 23 years old and lives in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, the city of Ushuaia is located in the south of the country, one of the last cities on the planet, beyond There is only the ocean, live far from your family with the intention of having a better future and provide better things to your family, a very high cost that we have to pay those who live in Corrientes.

Our granddaughter Abigail is the daughter of Brenda, our only daughter, today she is 20 years old with the beautiful experience of being a mother.
He owns his own business in a place here in my home and also studies the career of international stylist, a very good career with an excellent job.

My wife Gabriela, 52 years old, housewife and support of the whole family, a very important task in our family organization.
The one who accompanies, my youngest son Ramiro, is 16 years old, a bright, educated and very respectful young man, he works in the morning with the intention of saving to acquire his first car and at night he studies secondary education.
Who writes, José Luis Fernández, electromechanical professional, technician in sound and recording. The last 30 years of my life I spent managing national and international retail companies.
I like music a lot, in my youth I was a deejay from several clubs in the Federal Capital, I managed several local bands playing sound and music, I like reading and writing a lot.
I can write about any subject, however I feel more comfortable writing about articles of reflection, history of life, legends, urban stories, food, I really like everything related to blockcahin and criptomoendas.
I hope to satisfy your tastes for reading and find satisfaction when visiting my blog, I am very committed to this task, for two simple reasons, one because I like what I do and the other, this is my means and livelihood, I live what gender on the web and I owe her.
Thank you very much for allowing me to be part of this great project and this excellent social network.

The images correspond to the family album
The camera used Nikkon coolpix b 500

Thank you for your visit
Jose Luis
Argentina Currents

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@arcange Thank you very much for appreciating my work, a great emotion to be mentioned in your success parade column.
I wish you a great day
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@dobryj.kit Thank you very much for the great support you give to my work.
congratulations for the great work they do on the platform supporting and motivating people
I wish you all the team a great day
Этот пост был выбран программой «Содействия дружелюбию, взаимовыручки и толерантности» на платформе ГОЛОС.
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@kulturagolosa Thank you very much for this warm welcome and support you give to my work. I hope you are up to the circumstance and satisfy your reading wishes
I wish the whole team a great day
@slon21veka You are very gentle I appreciate this welcome
Thank you very much
I wish you a great day
@jlufer Obviously, Eniglish isn't your native tongue. Why then not simply write in Spanish? Just curious.
@mgaft1 I publish in English to be able to reach more people with my message, I would love to publish in Russian, but the translators do not translate very well. I would very much like to write in Spanish, maybe I will do it when there are more Spanish speaking people in the social network.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion
@jlufer Not to impose my opinion, but I think it would be interesting to hear much about Argentine; its culture, mentality, economics, history, its position in the World's affairs, etc.
I think most people here are familiar with stereotypical things like tango and Borges, but the particulars I think would be appreciated.
Good luck!
@mgaft1 Thank you very much dear friend
I appreciate it
@jlufer hi bro, you'll do it!
@rous Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and your kind words
I wish you a great day
@jlufer The pleasure is mine