Family album source-Photomontage Pixiz
Good morning to all the readers of golos.io. This is my participation in the contest conducted by @mirgais In the slogan "Revenge Hunting of the dinosaurs." For more information about consultations and rules enter here.
That said, let the hunt begin!
Surely they will be thinking that the title is just to get their attention or that it is a joke, however I have evidence where you can see the dinosaurs in movement. It is not another chapter of "the night in the museum", where the animals come to life, the dinosaurs with movement happened a few months ago here on earth without evil, the two best-known dinosaurs of the Jurassic park The "Triceratops" and "Tyrannosaurus" rex "are put in movements in front of our eyes.

A few months ago in my country we had winter holidays, governments and different municipalities organize events as tourist attraction, the municipality of Resistencia held an exhibition called "Eureka" where science works have movements, a beautiful exhibition suitable for children and large, where the children were surprised by the movements of these ancient giants.

Our granddaughter Abigail is three years old, until that moment she had no knowledge of these giants, as it was her first time, she had a certain fear towards them, much more when these enormous animals came to life, little by little she began to take confidence, allowing her to pose forward to take some pictures, I do not take long to want some dinosaurs in our house, for several days he was talking about them.

The word dinosaur means "terrible lizards" something very striking, because the dinosaurs have nothing to do with the lizards, there is not much information of where they are originally, it is only known that they dominated the world more than "243 million years ago" there were many types of dinosaurs, some fed on herbs and plants, others ate meat.

The "Triceratops" have their name in honor of their head, as indicated in the translation "one face and three horns" these dinosaur species were fed on herbs, there are records of their existence "68 million years ago" almost at the end of the Cretaceous in the "Mesozoic era". Scientists say that their place of residence was "Maastrichtian" what is now known as "North America"

"Tyrannosaurus rex" means "Tyrant, lizard, king" this species of dinosaur was fed on meat, there are records of its appearance "68 million years ago" almost at the end of the Cretaceous in the "Mesozoic era". It is estimated that its origins correspond to "Maastrichtian" "North America" Scientists claim, to date, is the largest known predator, an extremely large animal, average more than 12 meters in length, with a height exceeding 4 meters, its weight was greater than 6000 kg. There are records of thirty species of this dinosaur.

We have to thank the municipalities that made this exhibition possible, we learned a lot about these giants, my granddaughter that delighted with the dinosaurs, now she wants me to buy a live one, but that they are not so bad and do not eat meat, they had to see her face and their surprised eyes, from surprise to fear and from fear to emotion and from emotion to love, there is nothing more genuine than the expressions of children
I hope that all this information has been of your liking. I want to express my gratitude to @mirgais for the invitation to participate in the contest!
The images correspond to the family album
The camera used Nikon Coolpix B500
Thank you for your visit
Jose Luis

@jlufer The video is excellent. The dinosaur is real. It moves, awesome.
@zlata777 the title was not deceptive, the dinosaurs come to life
Thank you very much for this nice visit, happy that it would be to your liking
I wish you a beautiful day
something terrible!!!!! )))
@ladyzarulem It's amazing live dinosaurs.
thank you very much for the support you give my work
I wish you a prosperous day and an excellent weekend
Did your doughter sleep well this show after? )))
@ladyzarulem If children love these things, thank you very much for asking
of course, they love!!! ))) it`s a show )
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