Source: Family album
Good morning to all the readers of golos.io. This is my participation in the contest conducted by @jurgan In the slogan "fence competition" To consult the rules enter here

Over the years, the bars or gates were part of our lives and our environments, wherever you go, you will find these structures, in large stores, banks, squares, bridges and our homes . In the times in which we live it is almost impossible to live if the gates. This image corresponds to a well-known supermarket in our province, several years ago they had to put fences on all the fronts of the branches, the growing insecurity forced them.

The truth is that the gates were migrating from use over time, they started being an instrument of separation or division, then someone thought it could be used for decorative purposes and in recent decades they became an element of security, lamentable by the way, nobody likes to live locked in their own home behind bars. Excuse me, I am generalizing! At least we feel citizens in our province here.

In our province it was customary spring days to go out and sit on the sidewalk, this was a beautiful spectacle to see, walking through our streets and seeing groups of people sharing in community was simply magical, today our houses are covered with bars and people are confined behind them.

As the bars were being used for security purposes, they also changed the manufacturing methods and the elements used for their manufacture, starting with Madrea, then with bronze, structural hollows, nowadays it is very common to see fences built with bars of solid iron turned or forged.

The common denominator indicates that people install these artifacts thinking about safety, there are other people who maintain the decorative traditions. The blacksmithing market is the one that best interprets these behaviors, there are fence construction services that cover the three aforementioned models

The people who use the gates with decorative purposes, are expectant to its construction and placement, they try to the gates are seen before the gazes of the neighbors and passers-by, usually they are built in workshops of fine ironwork, irons, forged or turned with delicate figures, with an exquisite finish

Other variables that can be mentioned of the gates are the placements, depending on the reason for use, is the placement system, there are various forms of placement, for example the fixed gates, these with those that are embedded to the wall and fixed with material, the inlays, are those whose method is screwed to the wall and their screws are hidden by a layer of cement, unlike the previous ones these can be removed when we want, there are other types of placement, but these I will mention in the next post
I want to express my gratitude to @jurgan for the invitation to participate in the contest!
The images correspond to the family album
The camera: Samsung phone j2Primre model 2017
Thank you for your visit
Jose Luis

@jlufer ОТлично! Пост принят
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