Source: Family album
Good morning to all the readers of golos.io. This is my participation in the contest conducted by @jurgan In the slogan "fence competition" To consult the rules enter here

My country Argentina was always known for giving acyclovir to the immigrants, many innocent people arrived at our ports of different countries from the world, the great majority fled from the wars that were carried out in their country. The immigrants brought many traditions to my country, which were incorporated with the passage of time, some of these traditions were the railings.

Argentina was in full development when the Italian and Spanish immigrants arrived, these people came from countries more advanced than ours, they had incorporated experience that our blacksmith craftsmen did not possess, it was they who trained the blacksmiths of my town with their styles of work. My country is a place that houses beautiful artisanal fences and we owe it to the immigrants.

T_he main cities of my country have beautiful enclosures with very peculiar presentations, due to the participation of immigrants from different parts of the world, that mix of knowledge contributed to the creation of unique enclosures, such that we have a city in the interior of the country "Victoria" which is nicknamed "The city of bars" a beautiful city completely decorated in wrought iron, created by handmade hands._

It is very difficult to walk around the city and not to notice these great fences, their unique style, dazzle the visitors of the place, handcrafted gates created with iron turned and forged in workshops of professional blacksmiths, in this city you can see a different style of grills to other parts of my country and that is given to the incorporation of French immigrants who settled in the place, providing a delicacy in the completion of the work.

"The city of bars" undoubtedly houses the best gates in the country, each fence is different from the other, but with a similarity in the technique of forging or the completion of the fence, the unmistakable style of the hands of the locals is always present. Artisan grills that dazzle with their presence and bearing, robust, safe and emblematic, bring to the city a unique majesty. The city of victory is worthy to be visited and spend a long time admiring the beauties of the gates of "The city of bars"
I want to express my gratitude to @jurgan for the invitation to participate in the contest!
I hope you have liked this mini story of "The city of bars"
The images correspond to the family album
The camera: Samsung phone j2Primre model 2017
Thank you for your visit
Jose Luis

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