The Curiosity Project
Discord Wallet transaction history( This Blog and its info can also be found @curiositybot on Steemit and Golos !)
For the Original blog Click Here
Hey everyone, this is the first transaction history of the new and the very first Wallet / Transaction System got Steem Backed Dollars on Discord. All transactions that are done are anonymous but transparent. All transactions are recorded with your ID and Wallet balance. The UserID is your Discord is were off we do not display the last few digits. You can not find the user via its ID on Discord, especially not with missing the last few digits. So all your transactions are anonymous and this will always be the case if you do payments through your Discord wallet.
- The first how is the senders ID
- The 2nd row what transaction it is.
- The 3rd row tell your the ID of the receiver
- The 4th row tell you the amount that was transferred
- the 5th row tell you the old balance of the sender.
- The 6st row tells your the new balance of the sender
- The 7th row tells you when this transaction has been done.
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