She asked me that how she looks. i said u look beautiful so she said me do you have girlfreind . i said no. than she said do u like some other girl i said no. than she asked do you like me so i said why are you asking me that . she said many boys proposed her but why didnt I. so i tell i heard her when she was talking with her friend that you are not allow love she said she dont want a relationship before . she said she knew that i love her after heared that i got shy and i said no i dont )). so she asked me why i was cry when she was in my arm in autorishaw when she fall down while trainer scold her. i said how you know that than she said her eye got open for sometime and she saw me like that from that day she relised i love her. so she said me that i have 5 minutes to propose her if i still not propose her than she will never talk with me.)))))))))). i bend on my knees and proposed her. i knew that my proposal was not the best proposal in the world but i also know that my girlfriend was best girlfriend in the world.
all day i searched that how to cure her disease i saw many time when she lost her breath. Due to asthama and B.P.her lungs got weaker. we mat with many doctors after searching many things we heard in Hydrabad there is place where they put medicine on fish mouth and than put that fish on asthama patient mouth and patient need to swol it . and they believe the asthama will cure. after that we went there . that treatment is religious treatment not by doctor . i dont believe in these things but in that situation i wanted to believe in everything . i was not religious but for her i beg every to god. After that treatment she felt good but her disease still no covered because if someone have asthama in early stage they can cure but jagriti ashthma was very high.
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