Love is not a apportunity you have to find but love is feeling by which you will feel special. I started job in policy bazzar. there was 2 week training before job started. i heared there is very big incentive so i was very exicted to start that job. During training i got two friend first one was Rahul and second one was harshita. there was internal exam every day till one week than there was final writing exam and MOC test. in every day exam i was very good in every exam and in final exam i passed but i failed in MOC test. In MOC test sernior teamleader came and took you exam verbally . i did very minor mistake in MOC test but they rejected me . i was not happy. rahul also failed in MOC but harshita passed that exam. Because me and rahul have good marks in writing exam company offered us retraining . I said rahul that i dont want to do retraining because if they rejected me one time by minor mistake they can also reject me again retraining was waste of time for me it means one more week. Rahul said me that he really want to do re training again and if i will say no than he will also will not do. So after many discussion i said yes for retraining. Next day when we reached office for retraining there were all new employees and our trainer introduce us to them as they are re trainer . i felt like im failure and that was not good feeling but now i wanted to show all im not failure so now i really wanted to clear all exam . i already know the course and my concepts are already clear so the question is why i have to sit in a whole week for exam. i was no reason how i will wait for next week because my failure is pinching me. than i heared a sound sir may i come in?. there was a girl who is late in her first day when i was looking at her i didnt blink my eye she was so beautiful. rahul said me that i was staring her like i never seen a girl before and he saw me first time like that. i didnt know anything but that i found the reason why i ll wait for one more week))). she sat 3 rows next to me .i saw when she smiled i felt good. she have bright smile and she was very talkative i was just looking at her and rahul just clicking my pics and sending on our friends whatsapp group where harshita also can see me hahaha. Than introduction started. i was waiting for her turn because i wanted to know her name and hobbies and i finally know her name is Jagriti and her hobby is swimming. i dont know swimming but its ok . i didnt want to fall in love because in my past i had very bad breakup. but something is just pushing me toward her. we had everyday test and in first internal test she got 2 marks more than me( i got 52 and she got 54 out of 54). I really impressed because she is inteligent plus beautiful. After many year first time i felt i wanted to be better for someone. in fun activity trainer said everyone have to wrote name of crush in the class and best friend in class but we dont have to write our name it must me secreat who wrote for you. i know if i wrote jagrittis name in crush and rahul name is that slip than everyone knew that that was my slip because i was the only whom rahul is friend there so i dont want show anyone that i have crdush on batch. so i wrote best friend is rahul and there is no crush. But when trainer opened all slips jagriti is a girl who have more than 8 crush in our batch. i got one crush but that was still secret who was the person who wrote my name. because jagriti didnt know me that much and i also heared her that she was saying her friend that she dont have crush because she is not allowed to fall in love for anyone. im very positive person so i thought if that 8 or more person will propose her they will not get yes from her. In everyday fun activity trainer always selected a random person and said to do something like singing , dancing , acting etc. so a guy said in his task he cant sing but he can propose . and you know what? he selected jagriti . and he proposed her in front of class. his proposal was very dumb so everyone laugh. harshita is girl so i asked her that am i enough good looking for she said you are normal looking but its in her hand she will select me or not. i started feel for jagriti so im very narvous to start a conversation with her. Next day rahul gave me her mobile number he stole that number from some document . he took risk for me but i said him to delete that number because i want her number with her respect i want jagriti give her number to her self because i start respecting her before love her. after day 4 we had again a daily test . teacher switch everyones seats and you know what? )))). she sat next to me on test. that moment i got thousands butterflies in my stomach. i completed exam but i was thiking to ask him just to listen her. so when i try to asked her something suddendly she asked me some question . so help her answer. i felt good . after exam she asked me that how to solve that question so i taught her the easy way with many examples. that day we lunch together. i was happy because she was laughing at my joke and seriously she was looking so beautiful that time. that day i decided she is my girl from this day until my last day.
a sad story made by me. part 1
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